EFI Pastor's Conference

We had a really great pastor's conference last night. The church was full with five congregations under one roof. There was a strong presence of the Lord in La Roca Eterna Church, (The Eternal Rock). Pastor Mitch Horton from Victory Church in Raleigh, NC, shared a testimony and taught us practical ways to have greater faith and release distraction and worry from our lives. Plans are being made for another conference later in the year. There is a real sense among all of us here that EFI's strong emphasis is Nicaragua is providential and we are expecting great moves of God here in the future. Along with Mitch were Phillip Miles, President of EFI, Pastor Bill Knight, Image Church and my fellow EFI missionaries Mike Havlin and Bryan Hutson. This little movie is a "playful" way of sharing some of the scenes from last night with you.

Tim Bagwell