

More than any other day of the year, we pause today to remember our blessings and give thanks to the God who gave them to us. This year, Thanksgiving is very special for our family and ministry. This journey we've been on with Lola is coming to an end. We are going back to Nicaragua next week and are so excited to get back to what God has called us to do. We are also thankful for all of you - our friends and supporters that make this ministry possible. We couldn't do what we do without your sacrifice and commitment. May God bless your families and give you reason to praise His name. I am also thankful for the wonderful staff that God has given us in Nicaragua. They work so hard to take care of our children and for them it's a ministry and not just a job.

This morning I got a letter from a family that has recently adopted two little girls out of the orphanage. This letter blessed us so much. Milagros and Maria are doing so well. We are so thankful for parents who are willing to take a chance on these kids and let God be God. Their faith inspires me. I wanted to share their letter with you today in hopes that it will be a blessing to you. It gives everyone who supports this ministry another reason to be thankful! Happy Thanksgiving.


"Hi guys,

I just wanted to send you a note to thank you for everything and to let you know things are going great.  The girls are both fantastic and have adjusted really well.  Mila (Margarita) is very smart and speaks english almost exclusively now, although I speak to them a lot in spanish and will continue to teach them both spanish so they will know it.  Maria is a fantastic, well adjusted little girl now.  She takes no medications for anything and her attitude is amazing.  She is a very funny little girl with the strongest will of any child I know, but she is now pretty obedient and talks to grown ups and other children openly.


I received your e-mail recently and am wanting to begin supporting you guys.  Please send me something to make a monthly commitment easy.  I wanted to also let you know how fantastic the whole staff is.  Those ladies love every child there and are doing everything they can to make the orphanage run smoothly.  I spent a lot of my time there doing things and just hanging out and I got to know them really well and I cannot say enough good things about them.  I hope Lola is doing well and you guys are going strong as a family."